29 April 2009

Swine Flu - What's happening in Wyoming?

As the swine flu (2009 H1N1) continues to spread across the globe at rapid speed, with the CDC level being raised to a 5 on a scale of 6 today, Wyoming and all other states will be receiving their share of vaccinations, according to a CNN article. Level 5 is described in the same CNN article as:

"The WHO's "Phases of Pandemic Alert," which has been in existence for five years, characterizes phase 5 as a human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region, signaling that a pandemic is imminent.

The highest level, phase 6, is defined by community-level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region, according to the agency."

Returning from a trip to Seattle on Saturday, I stopped at the Evanston, Wyoming, Walmart to get a few items for home. I also picked up 4 boxes of face masks, 3 with two in each and one containing 20 masks. (I left two boxes of each on the shelf). My husband teased me a little about how serious I was taking the "swine flu". He wasn't teasing quite as much when he realized I was very serious when we added several cases of bottled water for our home storage. Yes, I'm serious and I think swine flu is, too. A level 5? Out of 6 levels? A pandemic is imminent? This is serious.

Tonight I went to a benefit dinner and auction for a local man. It was awesome, all the support. The room was packed and people were very generous. I had to wonder if it will be a while until we are all gathered together in one place like that. The levels have increased a level a day for the past five days, I believe. At this rate, tomorrow would be a level 6. Tomorrow.

Here is the telling statement at the end of the CNN article:

Common seasonal flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year worldwide, far more than the current outbreak of swine flu. But there is a vaccine for seasonal flu.

(Italics added)

1 comment:

Warren Baldwin said...

Thanks for the information, keeping us updated on this situation. WB