17 October 2008

Barrasso "No" vote on bailout

bI just got this from Barrasso's website:

Senator Barrasso Votes No

Statement on Rescue Package Vote

October 1, 2008

Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) voted against the $700 billion dollar rescue package. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo) also voted against the package.

Barrasso issued the following statement:

WASHINGTON– “As I have said from the beginning of this debate, providing a $700 billion rescue package to our financial institutions is a significant risk to taxpayers. Any government assistance must protect taxpayers – not reward failure.

This rescue package did not meet my three core principles - accountability, oversight and taxpayer protection.

Strong oversight, accountability and transparency are essential. I will continue to fight for folks in Wyoming who work hard for their money and deserve to have their tax dollars used wisely.”

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