12 November 2008

WyoPoets call for Submissions

WYOPOETS CHAPBOOK 2009 Call for Submissions
This is from the WyoPoets Club. ANYONE CAN ENTER BY BECOMING A MEMBER WITH YOUR SUBMISSION. They would love to have submissions from Cokeville High School students as well as residents so all writers, please consider submitting a poem or two along with your modest membership fee!

WyoPoet's 2009 Chapbook Event
Call for Submissions - Members Only
Constance Brewer - Editor
Jennifer L. Sorensen - Juror

This Call for Submissions is open only to WyoPoets members in good standing. (Other poets may join WyoPoets at the time of submission by including $15.00 dues with their fees and submission.)

1. The theme of the chapbook is "Horizon". All poems must directly or indirectly fit this theme
2. Poems may be either free verse or traditional form. If a traditional form, please state which form.
3. Members may enter up to 3 (three) poems of 40 lines.
4. Line limit is 40 lines, including title and spaces.
5. Any poem submitted must be the original work of the contestant and be unpublished at the time of the contest. Poems must be in good taste - to be determined by the judge and/or editor.
6. Submission deadline is December 31st, 2008, either by postmark or electronic stamp. Please include email address or SASE if you would like acknowledgement of receipt entry. No poems will be returned, and entries will be shredded after the contest is over.
7. Entry fee - $2.00 per poem, or $5.00 for 3 (three) poems.
8. The rights to all poems remain with the author.
9. Winners will be announced at the WyoPoet's Spring Workshop and in the spring newsletter.
10. Authors of published poems will receive one complimentary copy of the chapbook.

1. Poems must be typed, or computer generated and in 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar font) preferred. Editor reserves right to change font to fit chapbook, and this may result in changes to structure or line breaks. Photocopies are okay if clear and legible.
2. Poems must be on standard 8.5 x 11 inch white paper.
3. Poems must be titled, with the exception of any Oriental short form poems. Please state which Oriental short form at top in place of title.
4. Submit 2 (two) copies of each poem: 1 (one) with name, mailing address, phone number and email address in top right corner and 1 (one) with no identification of author. 1 (one) poem per page.
5. Include a cover sheet with author's name, address, phone number, email, titles of poems submitted and line count (including title and spaces) for each poem. Please include a short biography of no more than 100 words.

1. Write one check or money order payable to WyoPoets. Do not staple or tape check to entries. Paper clips are okay.
2. Send submissions to: CONNIE BREWER, #1 Declaration Lane, Gillette, WY 82716
Electronic submissions: Subject header - WyoPoet 09 Chapbook Contest, Email entries: cover sheet and bio either in body of letter or by .doc or .rtf attachment to constance.brewer@gmail.com
1. If submitting electronically, mailed entry fee must be received by December 31st 2008 in order for the entries to be valid.

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