08 June 2008

St. Stephen's Mission Prayer Garden

St. Stephen's Mission, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation just outside of Riverton, has a beautiful little walking path. The sign at the entrance reads as follows:
This Sacred Ground, the site of the former Franciscan convent, is consecrated to the Creator in memory of the sisters who lived, loved and worked among the Arapho and Shoshone People for over a hundred years. This area is a holy place for prayer, thanksgiving, and remembering. All are welcome to walk slowly through this prayer garden and enjoy this space quietly and peacefully.

As one walks the paths, there are various carved rocks depicting different times in Jesus' life. On the crosses are the names of the people who donated money for each section. Two of the crosses information is missing, fallen off in the weather.

There were also several benches some with donors names as well as a statue with donors.

It was very peaceful. Thank you for letting visitors enjoy your quiet place.

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